jueves, 9 de junio de 2016



1. TERMS & NAMES For each term or name below, briefly explain its connection to the imperialism of 1850–1914.
 1. imperialism
2. racism
3. Berlin Conference
4. What motivated the nations of Europe to engage in imperialist activities?
5. How was the economy of India transformed by the British?
6. What caused the Sepoy Mutiny?
7. USING YOUR NOTES In a chart, tell how the local people resisted the demands of the Europeans.

 8. RECOGNIZING EFFECTS What effects did imperialism have on the economic life of the lands and people colonized by the European imperialists?
9. SYNTHESIZING What positive and negative impact did inventions such as the railroad and the steamship have on the land and people conquered by the imperialists?
 10. DEVELOPING HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE What economic, political, and social conditions encouraged the growth of imperialism in Africa and Asia? 

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